Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Three types of dreams

Correction: Rabbeinu Bachya that is quoted, is not the Rabeinu Bachya that wrote the 'Chovos Halevovos'.  The former lived in the 11th century and his name was Bachya ben Yosef Ibn Pakuda.  The latter lived in the 13th century and his name was Bachya ben Osher Ibn Halawa.  They both lived in Spain and are referred to as Rabbeinu Bachya.

Correction: The Mammar of the Rebbe Rashab was from 1918.  Interestingly it was about 10 years after he met with Freud.

Link to article analyzing the meeting between the Rebbe Rashabigmund Freud 

Link to a fascinating!! story of the Rebbe as told by (the one that the story is about) Dr. Arnie Gotfryd

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rebetzin sings Avraham Fried song - Rebbe sings Rosenblatt song


When we drove in the car, the Rebbetzin loved to hear tapes of Avrohom Fried. One song that she especially liked was Tatenyu.

The Rebbetzin was usually particular that nobody be present when she lit Shabbos and Yom Tov candles, even those close to her. I once heard from someone who saw the Rebbetzin when she lit candles on erev Rosh Hashana 5746, that the Rebbetzin hummed this song with great deveikus. Our Father, merciful Father, have mercy on us … gevald Tatenyu …

At this auspicious time - the Rebbetzin davened, not for her personal needs but for the salvation of the Jewish people. 

(I found this story in the following link)

Once we are talking about music – on erev Pesach I would clean all the sefarim in the Rebbe’s house. One of the first years, the Rebbe sat at the table and learned, and I stood and cleaned the sefarim.

The Rebbe had a phonograph and he asked me, a few times, to put on the record of Chazan Yossele Rosenblatt. One time, when we heard Rosenblatt sing, Rachem na, Hashem Elokeinu, I heard the Rebbe hum along.

(source is from same link above)

 Rebbe learning - picture taken through key hole

 Yossele Rosenblatt singing Rachem Nu

It is told over that the Fridiker Rebbe said that "you can hear from 'Yossele's' chazanut that he sings with pirush hamilos".